Steve Double, Member of Parliament for St Austell and Newquay has welcomed the publication of the Clean Maritime Plan, the UK’s blueprint for clean growth and zero emissions in the maritime sector. The UK has one of the world’s proudest and most innovative maritime heritages. In January 2019, Government launched Maritime 2050, a landmark strategy setting out a vision for the future of the UK maritime sector.
The Clean Maritime Plan identifies ways to tackle air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions in parallel while securing clean growth opportunities for the UK.
Developed in consultation with key stakeholders, including the Clean Maritime Council, the Clean Maritime Plan identifies action on economics, infrastructure, innovation and regulation to help bring about a future of zero-emission shipping in the UK.
Commenting, Steve said:
“As Chair of the Ocean Conservation All Party Parliamentary Group and someone who is privileged to represent our beautiful constituency with north and south coasts I welcome the publication of the Clean Martime Plan for the UK. It is a major step in the right direction in getting our maritime sector to do its part in becoming greener
“A cleaner shipping industry will help make the air we breathe cleaner and safer, and create a healthy environment for the future.”
“Not only do we have the additional environmental protection that this strategy will bring in, but, research undertaken for the Government suggests the global market for maritime emission reduction technologies could reach £11 billion per year by 2050, potentially resulting in economic benefits to the UK of £510 million per year.”
“The opportunity before us as a country is substantial; by applying our proud tradition of maritime innovation both here in Cornwall and across the UK to a clear new vision for the future, we can grasp it.”