Taking part in an indoor rowing challenge is just one of the ways you can get involved in this year’s Wear A Hat Day, raising funds and awareness for Brain Tumour Research, says West Cornwall MP Derek Thomas.
The rowing challenge takes place in the foyer of the Helston Sainsbury’s from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, 30th March, the day after Wear A Hat Day itself (Friday, 29th March), and Mr Thomas, who chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Brain Tumours, is urging people to show their support in the fight against a disease which continues to cause devastation for sufferers and their families.
“Brain tumours are a terrible disease and kill more children and young adults under 40 than any other cancer,” he said.
“The situation is improving in terms of treatment and an extra £13 million has been pumped into brain tumour research over the past 12 months but until we find the best way to care for people and cure their disease, there is more to be done.
“I would encourage everyone to support Wear A Hat Day in whatever way they can – whether by wearing a hat to show awareness or by donating to Brain Tumour Research; there are collecting tins in around 20 shops across Penzance, St Ives and Helston.
“Alternatively, why not take part in the rowing machine challenge event I am organising at the Helston Sainsbury’s with the help of Helston Sports Centre?
“The centre has kindly lent us two rowing machines and, for a £2 entry fee, you get the chance to row as far as you can in two minutes with prizes for the male and female who row the furthest; there will also be a raffle in the foyer on the day.”
If you’d like to find out more about Wear A Hat Day and Brain Tumour Research, visit www.wearahatday.org