The Conservative Group on Cornwall Council has issued a stark warning on the Lib Dem-led Administration’s flagship Housing Development Plan following a vote to commit millions more funding to it at today’s Full Council.
Today’s votes saw Cornwall Council’s Capital Programme increased by a maximum £5.294m, and the Housing Revenue Account capital programme increased by £2.776m.
But the Conservative Group abstained on this vote, as a warning to the administration on the continued spending of taxpayer money above what was previously agreed.
Commenting, Conservative Group Leader Cllr Linda Taylor said:
“Our group made the difficult decision to abstain at today’s full council meeting’s vote to commit another £8m of taxpayer money to Cornwall Council’s Housing Development Plan.”
“The reason we abstained rather than voted against, is because we are supportive of the principle of building more houses, particularly affordable ones for people who already live here.”
“However today we could not support these poorly costed figures, as this would be pouring more money into propping up this programme, and we are concerned it would be seen as an endorsement of the poor management and financial control exercised so far on this programme.
“What the administration is trying to do here is play around with figures to hide their incompetence with financial management.”
“We are unhappy with this and have grave concerns that Cornwall Council will not be able to complete its target of 1000 houses in the time it had give itself, in part because of this mismanagement.”
“The Conservative Group on Cornwall Council will continue to scrutinise and challenge decisions by this administration where appropriate, on behalf of the people of Cornwall who we are all there to serve and represent.”