The Conservative Group on Cornwall Council has welcomed Cornwall Council’s use of the Government’s Covid Winter Grant Scheme funding to provide food provision for families struggling over the February half term.
The Government provided Cornwall Council with £1,831,567 from the Government’s £170million Covid Winter Grant Scheme, which is ring-fenced to directly help the hardest-hit families and individuals during the Covid-19 crisis. This builds on the £63 million provided by the Government to councils earlier in 2020 to assist those struggling to afford food and essentials.
Cllr Simon Elliott, Conservative Shadow Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People said:
“I am pleased to see Cornwall Council acting in good time to use some of the £1.8million funding the Government gave it to support families who might be struggling over the coming February half term.”
“I am sure the council’s officers will work with our schools, using local knowledge, to ensure this funding is used as effectively as possible.”
“It is simply disingenuous though of the Liberal Democrat/Independent leadership of the council to make public statements that the council was funding this from its own budget to fund this provision because the government would not do so. This is simply incorrect.”
“Cornwall Council is using money provided by the Government for this purpose in the way it should be used. To claim otherwise, as the Liberal Democrat Portfolio Holder for Transport did on BBC Radio Cornwall on 15 January, is just plain wrong, and I am glad to see the host correct this after the interview concluded.”