The Conservative Group on Cornwall Council has voted against an independent report that recommends increasing the allowance of Cornwall Councillors following the 2021 local elections at today's Full Council meeting.
Speaking in the debate, Conservative Group Leader Cllr Linda Taylor said:
"The pandemic has cast a long, dark shadow over the Cornish economy - the consequences of which will be with us for years to come."
"Many of our friends and family have already lost their jobs or been forced to take reduced wages. Companies have failed and inevitably many more will follow them."
"The signs are good that with the vaccines becoming available we will turn the corner on this dreadful disease. But let us acknowledge that this is going to be the start of an economically tough era."
"Set against that backdrop it would be unjust to consider awarding ourselves an increase in allowances – even though the panel have considered it merited. And even though many of our councillors are financially struggling themselves - particularly the younger ones with mortgages and family."
"The rules about councillors setting their own allowances has not reflected the changes in local government since 2000 but a Conservative administration of this council will work with the government to establish that an independent board will make decisions on allowances away from member influence and debate. The time and effort that has gone into this issue shows that this is clearly not a fit and proper subject for members to consider. And similar to the MPs salaries this must be taken out of our hands."
"So for all of those reasons the Conservative group will not be supporting the recommendations of the Remuneration Panel."