The Conservative Group on Cornwall Council has strongly criticised the passing at Full Council today of a document call ‘The Cornwall We Want’, as being an undemocratic document pulled together by council officers that does not hold the best interests of Cornwall or its people at heart.
Speaking during the debate Conservative Group Leader, Cllr Linda Taylor said:
“I am amazed at the industry our officers have applied in lobbying for their view of Cornwall up to 2050. They have surpassed themselves in leaving no political stone unturned.”
“During an unprecedented period of civil lock-down they have assembled a menagerie of data and then diligently sought to get votes to support their views of the future for Cornwall. That sounds like the life-cycle of a political manifesto.”
“But no-one gets elected.”
“And of course there is the added benefit that the significant cost of this policy making exercise does not have to be accounted for to the Electoral Commission.”
“All of that, Madam chairman adds up to a serious democratic problem.“
“No-one is culturally permitted to be against green energy, motherhood and apple-pie but the issue here is one of accountability not content.”
“Our officers are so deeply involved in this policy making exercise that any failure to deliver will have serious consequences for them and we are duty bound to protect them from the ebb and flow of politics – that is not their job.”
“It is therefore for their protection as well as the reputation of this council that this document should not supported as a policy making document.”
“Next May the Conservatives alongside the Labour party, MK and the LibDems will go to the elections and set out our various proposals to the people of Cornwall.”
“They will listen to our policies and plans - and vote accordingly.”
“That will be the basis of the Cornwall we want. Democratically voted on by the residents themselves and they will hold us accountable for the delivery of that vision – whatever that may be.”
Speaking after the debate, Linda said:
“We were surprised to see today that Full Council voted to approve and endorse this document which is full of platitudes and wishful thinking, with poor and selective evidence and interpretation of evidence, coming from a narrow evidence base, despite its own overview and scrutiny process advising against it. What is the point of having an overview and scrutiny process when it is then ignored?”
“This is a flawed document produced in the dying days of this Liberal Democrat- Independent administration that never enjoyed popular support to begin with, and now seeks to extend its influence beyond its natural life.”
“The Conservative Group today voted for democracy, not for this document which has been put together by unaccountable officers and endorsed by an unrepresentative administration.”
“Let the people of Cornwall judge this administration and its track record at the next elections in May, and let’s not have them stifled by this document in future years.”