Administration at County Hall branded ‘uncaring’ as Lib Dems vote against increases to funding in children’s mental health services following robust Budget debate
The Administration running Cornwall Council has been branded ‘uncaring’ by Conservative Group Leader Cllr Linda Taylor, after leading Lib Dems, including the Leader of the Council voted against amendments to the Council’s Budget that would seen big increases to the funding for children’s mental health services.
Full Council today saw a number of amendments to the Budget come forward from across the political spectrum. These included Conservative amendments that would have seen unused funds from within the council’s existing budget used to increase funding for children’s mental health services and the footpath network.
However these amendments were not voted through.
Commenting Conservative Group Leader Linda Taylor said:
“We were very sorry to once again see the Lib Dem-led administration at Cornwall Council put party politics ahead of serving the people of Cornwall.”
“They voted against sensible proposals put forward by both Conservative Councillors, just because they had not come up with the ideas themselves. We are happy to support other proposals from across the Chamber as they were in the best interests of the people of Cornwall and it is a shame, certain uncaring individuals from within the administration put political ideology ahead of doing what is right.”
“Another example of the chaotic administration currently running Cornwall Council not acting in the best interests of the people they are there to serve. The money we are responsible for is not money for Cornwall Council PLC but money that is held for the people of Cornwall, to be used for the people of Cornwall. Our proposals would have seen additional funding allocated for our young people at no additional cost to the taxpayer. Instead we are seeing another council tax increase, money allocated to the administration’s pet projects, and the people of Cornwall losing out again.”
“Interestingly the Leader of the Council has only today called on central government for fair funding for children’s services. It is a pity then that he would not put Cornwall Council’s money where his mouth is and actually provide better funding for our children via this amendment.”